lead generation

Lead Generation: how to Connect Beyond the Speech

Lights, microphone, slides, action! The speaker steps onto the stage, and the magic begins. The audience is fulfilled with knowledge and inspiration, and… how about the speaker? What do they seek for when giving a speech or presentation? Often it is lead generation.

No Paycheck

The general idea that you can make a lot of money from being a speaker makes sense. Yet, this is not true for all the speakers you’ll listen to. Many of them are not paid at all.

They must get their own transportation, accommodation, and all the stress of talking to an audience. That’s all on their own and sometimes they have to pay for that privilege. So why do they still do it?

The audience is seeking for answers

Conferences attract attendees who actively seek knowledge and solutions. If these attendees are physically present, their companies may have invested significant resources to send them to the event. As a speaker, you become important for valuable insights and opportunities.

You should give them more and get what you’re in there for – connections, and ideally more leads.

The Art of Lead Generation

One of the main reasons for giving a speech is to generate leads for your business. Especially with large audiences, this may seem difficult. After all, there is an emotional distance between them and the speaker. Yet, you have some excellent ways nowadays to connect and take the best of their will to know you and your topic better.

Ditch the business cards and embrace the latest tech. Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone in their pocket — use it for leverage.

You can try tools such as Slido for interactive polling and even use it to ask for their contact info. Know more.

QR Codes

Relatively new, this technology is what everyone wants to use. It creates enough curiosity since you can’t see what’s on the other side of that strange pattern. You can use flyers to distribute a QR code, but the most effective seems to be projecting it on the screen. Immediately, curiosity will take over at least some of your audience members. Choose the landing page wisely, and don’t forget it must be mobile-optimized.

Text Messages

Something as simple as a text message can become quite interesting. An intriguing text that all audience members receive at the same time can have an incredible impact on them. It all depends on you. Creativity is endless.

You can create a code for your audience members to send to a specific number. Then, they receive an automated response guiding them to provide their information, for example. The possibilities are countless. Use your imagination to create.


An automatic email at the end of the conference expressing your gratitude and offering more resources and information is a good tool for keeping the audience connected and interested.

You can easily set up an automated email response after the attendees submit their information. Email marketing platforms are a great help in this process.

Text Responder

Send personalized voicemails or video messages to the attendees’ devices to enhance engagement and create a memorable experience. You can even share your vCard for immediate contact import.

Landing Pages

Most of the ideas above are sending your audience to a landing page. You must work hard on it.

Develop mobile-optimized landing pages specifically designed for lead capture. Consider including a PDF version of your presentation with additional slides showcasing your offerings.

Lead Generation: a Call to Action

The speaker has concluded his presentation; now it’s the audience’s turn. They don’t simply have your contacts. They have creative and interesting ways to connect with you.

The applause is good for your soul, but the actual payment is the increased possibilities for further contact and connection. Keep seeking different ideas to connect with them beyond the speech.

Cátia is a psychologist who is passionate about helping children develop and train social skills.