A slightly fuzzy image of a lectern with microphone in foreground. Paper, a pen, and mobile phone are on the lectern.

Virtual Orator

What is Virtual Orator?

Virtual Orator® is a revolutionary new technology for training public speaking skills. Maximize your training benefits, by practicing in the same situation for which you are training: speaking in front of people. Virtual Orator is a virtual reality simulator that creates the sensation of being in front of an audience.

Practice where, when and as often as you need. No more forcing your family, friends, or coworkers to endure five rounds of practice presentations. Our virtual audiences will take their place. Adjust the venue, audience size and behavior to fit your training needs; from starting out with a fear to perfecting that important presentation, Virtual Orator provides the right speaking experience for every need.

Practice in a variety of venues. Pick a space similar to where you will present, so you can ‘own’ the stage when you step in front of the audience. Or, Pick a venue and audience to challenge yourself.

Every time you start Virtual Orator, we invite a randomized audience. You choose the size of the crowd and their general behavior, from friendly to distracting and disinterested. Our software creates realistic situations, and our proprietary AI makes the virtual humans behave accordingly.

Use Cases

A virtual audience in a classrom is seen.

A fear of public speaking is said to affect 70% of all people. Practicing speaking in front of people is universally viewed as the best way to overcome fear. Virtual Orator provides a safe and realistic way to experience public speaking.

An image of the feedback on eye contact performance provided in the VIrtual Orator interface.

Public speaking is craft, composed of many skills. They need to be trained and maintained, so on the big day you can use those skills. Virtual Orator provides a platform to train speaking skills and mechanisms to support that training.

A laptop with a slide presentation is seen in the forground with a virtual audience seated at the table.

Prepare to speak in public. Even experienced speakers can hone presentations by practicing. With a realistic audience and setting practice is more effective. Rehearse your slide presentations. Challenge yourself with a hostile audience in a distracting environment.

A virtual audience member asking a question as part of a testing setup using Virtual Orator.

Testing public speaking skills can’t typically be done realistically, til now. Evaluate progress by repeating similar experiences and with objective feedback. Test the speaking skills of potential employees, before you hire them. For instance, sales reps can be tested in a realistic situation, with questions and interjections appropriate to your sales environment.


What our users are saying

I’ve tried several other apps, but Virtual Orator is the only one that I feel can really simulate the fear setting and make me improve.

Steven S.

Prior to Virtual Reality Exposure (VRE), many clients had difficulty staying focused on the triggers associated with making speeches in front of audiences. With Virtual Orator, I have patients make 1- to 2-minute speeches with the Oculus Rift headset on, and it immediately triggers their fear responses.

Dr. Rick Bradshaw

I’ve been using your program for about a week now. I’m really loving this… Believe it or not, I think it’s helping me already in real situations.

Luis R.

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